Figure II: The happy couple
Figure III: The Association of Former 2%ers
I met up with AV at her office Thursday afternoon and we caught a cab to La Guardia. The Ikea guys were late with our delivery, which added to the stress of getting to the airport. We ended up rushing around, only to find that we were about two hours early. Our flight was not full, and both Alyssa and I were the only people in our rows, so I moved before we took off. The guy behind me had said something, which I didn’t realize was directed towards me until I sat next to Alyssa and she told me how oblivious I was for overlooking the nice looking man sitting in 23F. 'Figures,' I thought. Then I ascertained from the thin gold band on his hand that he was married…which also figures.
I wasted no time after arriving at home with my parents. They had picked up fajitas from La Hacienda Ranch, and I completely disregarded the fact that it was midnight and bee-lined for the chips and salsa. I asked my mom to wake me up at 7:30am so that we could spend some time together before I left for Paris. As promised, my mom (accompanied by her faithful dog Lucy) found me in my bed, dead to the world at 7:30. I asked for it.
I made my way to Paris on Friday to meet up with JS (now JP), the bride. You know you are back in Texas when the landmarks used to guide you are Cavender’s Boots and Beall’s. After getting turned around by some sign that looked more like a tied shoelace than highway directions, I made it to J’s family’s house just in time to walk back out the door and look for shoes for her dress rehearsal. The best part of it was that J’s mom drives a gray Astro van with a sliding door, so she would literally pull up to a curb and leave us to search for red patent leather Mary Janes, and I would slide open the door after each trip, only to find myself getting slowly boxed out after each of her errands by the programs, bridal portraits and glass hurricanes.
After arriving back at Dr. & Mrs. S’s home, we had to shower and get ready for the rehearsal. We set off and I finally got to see the wedding site for the first time. You know when you have a preconceived idea of what something is going to look like before you see it? I have no idea what I thought the farm was going to look like- I only know that I was wrong.
We drove up to the most picturesque, Pottery Barn catalogue scene that I have ever seen with my own eyes. Texas really is God’s country. A friend in Bible study yesterday mentioned that she had never seen a state flag flown more often than in Texas- and she’s absolutely right. I probably appreciated the view more considering the fact that I don’t actually see grass everyday. Needless to say- it was the perfect location for the wedding.
We practiced our entrances and exits, made polite introductions with the San Diego groomsmen in the midst of our college gal pal reunion and watched the sunset over lake. The night was already perfect- and we hadn’t even eaten yet. The chicken fried steak and bread pudding at Hole In The Wall (actual name of the restaurant) were superb, but not as good as the company or the slide show.
I just scrolled up to see how long this is, and I have not even gotten to the day-of. I’ll have to update tomorrow as well, before this novel turns epic.
"The best mirror is an old friend."
-Peter Nivio Zarlenga
yeah nan you better not forget about the night at the holiday inn
if you are still in the job hunt, you could sell subscriptions to your blog! i would pay. av's mom told me about it and it is one of my favorite, most entertaining readings at present. i love new york and dream of moving into an apartment in chelsea with my sister when both of our older husbands leave this world (leaving us with lots of $$$). my chances of getting to experience you girls' life are slim so you are providing good material for my mind wanderings. jv can give you my address to send the subscription bill to...
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